jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

T.O.K Presentation: Ethics and Emotion

In a society where each individual is determined to think and act in a certain way, new ideologies and principles may be molded in order to satisfy the needs of the society. Although this may feel as a rather indiscreet and direct statement, in our presentation group we felt that each ideology (including those that may sound quite harsh) had to be accepted in order to understand more about this concept of ethics and emotions.

This assignment was conformed by three groups of (give or take) 7-10 people and each group had to choose an area of knowledge and a way of knowing in regards to their respective areas of knowledge. I was in group 2 and for our area of knowledge we chose ethics and for our way of knowing in regards to ethics we chose emotion. I believe that the way we presented our ideas linked directly with what each one had to say in regards with the subject, although we did this in an outstanding way, I also believe that the way of knowing (emotion) wasn't expressed sufficiently as our group focused on ethics; leaving unexpressed all of our ideas based on emotion. For example, I talked about Nietzsche's beliefs on morality whether good and evil referred as a whole or rather relied on individuality and in order to further demonstrate this, I also planned an exercise based on our current society. All of the ideas in regards to this area where clear, although I could've expressed my ideas on emotion and link them to ethics in order to show a distinct relationship between them.    

Personally, my work within the group was sufficient since I could've worked further upon my presentation in order to correct any errors, this includes both time issues and ideas expressed. The work that I did based on Nietzsche was an excellent idea and if I had spent more time focusing on the presentation it would've been better.

In general, all of my teammates were excellent and we all worked as a whole within our group since we knew when each one had to talk and we respected their time management and ideas about the topic.

If I were to do this again I would spend more time working on the presentation and apply a clearer view on our group's way of knowing, but apart from that, I wouldn't have changed anything else in our group. (Although a little organisation on our last exercise would've helped a lot on our overall presentation.)

This experience taught me a lot of things that I didn't consider in regards to each groups subject  but as a whole I learned that many ideas have to be taken in consideration in order to apply knowledge in our life. It also taught me or rather demonstrated me that working on a team helps in order to achieve an objective with sufficient time and effort applied within each member of the group.

It was indeed a grateful and well welcomed experience.


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