lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012


Many of our different perspectives are determined by factors that are external to us, such as the way we were raised or the different countries we live in and one of the main factors that contribute for our different perspectives are the cultures of our families or the cultures we grew up in. For example in Papua New Guinea, there's a tribe called Lars Krutak and for every young male initiate, they undergo a ritual which is held in a "spirit house". The ritual is basically cutting the skin of the young male in patterns which symbolizes power within their culture. This ritual to us it might seem as unnecessary and especially very painful, but to that tribe, they find pride in their young male bearing this skin patterns as it represents not only power, as mentioned above, but also it is of vital importance in their economics and their politics. 

From this example, we can determine that each one of us has different perspectives thanks to the different cultures that we were raised in. 

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